Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2005
The 2005 Annual General Meeting was held at 2.00pm on Saturday 5th November 2005 at New House, Murton, Appleby in Westmorland, Cumbria. CA16 6QH.
Present: Marie Ammundsen, Ann Bowmer, Newton Bowmer, Andreas Doebereiner, Ann Doebereiner, Daniel Nelson, Sheila McDonald, Aaron Robshaw, Adrian Waite, Elaine Waite.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Wesley Perriman, Amy Waite and Tim Wilson.
2. The minutes of the 2004 AGM were agreed as a true record. There were no matters arising.
3. Elaine Waite gave the report of the Committee on the year 2004/2005 including the 2005 events. It was agreed that all of these had been a success.
4. Adrian Waite gave the financial report for 2004/2005. There had been a deficit for the year of just over £1,000 but that was mainly because over £1,200 had been spent on new equipment and the balance remained healthy. It was agreed that the Society should seek to purchase a battle standard, new liveries, more blunt arrows, new stocks and a trebuchet for the 2006 season if possible. It was agreed that Wesley Perriman would be asked to research flags and liveries.
5. No resolutions were proposed by members.
6. The following Officers and Committee were elected for 2005/2006:
Chairman: Elaine Waite
Secretary/Treasurer: Adrian Waite
Health & Safety & Research Officer: Tim Wilson
7. The agendas of the Wars of the Roses Federation and National Association of Re-Enactment Societies Annual General Meetings were considered. It was decided to send delegates to neither meeting, but that we would write to the Wars of the Roses Federation to express our agreement with the points made by the Rochester Levy.
8. Activities for 2005/2006 were discussed:
a. 2006 Events.
i. Skipton Castle - It was suggested that we could incorporate a medieval christening and/or an attempt at the world record for speed shooting into the scenario for Skipton.
ii. Thorp Perrow - It was agreed that we should invite selected other groups to the 2006 event so that it could be a larger and more ambitious event next year.
iii. Berkeley Castle - It was agreed that we would seek an invitation to the ‘Joust’ event at Berkeley Castle in July 2006.
b. Winter activities.
i. Daniel Nelson has organised practice sessions in Settle during November and December 2005 to which all are welcome. He intends to organise more in the new year.
c. Publicity and Recruitment
i. It was agreed to seek publicity with a view to recruiting more new members for 2006. Posters will be placed in libraries and other prominent places.
9. Any Other Business.
Health & Safety at events was discussed.
The meeting closed at 4.00pm.
Know the Constitution and Health & Safety Policy
It is important that every member has a copy of our constitution and health & safety policy and has read them and understands them. We send copies of these out to new members when they join. If you would like another copy, please request one from Adrian Waite.
E-Mail Addresses
It would be useful for us to have the e-mail addresses of those members that have them. If you have an e-mail address and would like to be contacted by e-mail, please let Adrian Waite know.
Recruitment Poster
A copy of our recruitment poster is attached to this newsletter as the back page. We would be grateful if you could display it in a prominent place such as your car window, place of work, local pub, shop or library. If anyone would like more copies please let Adrian know and he will gladly send you as many as you want.
Present: Marie Ammundsen, Ann Bowmer, Newton Bowmer, Andreas Doebereiner, Ann Doebereiner, Daniel Nelson, Sheila McDonald, Aaron Robshaw, Adrian Waite, Elaine Waite.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Wesley Perriman, Amy Waite and Tim Wilson.
2. The minutes of the 2004 AGM were agreed as a true record. There were no matters arising.
3. Elaine Waite gave the report of the Committee on the year 2004/2005 including the 2005 events. It was agreed that all of these had been a success.
4. Adrian Waite gave the financial report for 2004/2005. There had been a deficit for the year of just over £1,000 but that was mainly because over £1,200 had been spent on new equipment and the balance remained healthy. It was agreed that the Society should seek to purchase a battle standard, new liveries, more blunt arrows, new stocks and a trebuchet for the 2006 season if possible. It was agreed that Wesley Perriman would be asked to research flags and liveries.
5. No resolutions were proposed by members.
6. The following Officers and Committee were elected for 2005/2006:
Chairman: Elaine Waite
Secretary/Treasurer: Adrian Waite
Health & Safety & Research Officer: Tim Wilson
7. The agendas of the Wars of the Roses Federation and National Association of Re-Enactment Societies Annual General Meetings were considered. It was decided to send delegates to neither meeting, but that we would write to the Wars of the Roses Federation to express our agreement with the points made by the Rochester Levy.
8. Activities for 2005/2006 were discussed:
a. 2006 Events.
i. Skipton Castle - It was suggested that we could incorporate a medieval christening and/or an attempt at the world record for speed shooting into the scenario for Skipton.
ii. Thorp Perrow - It was agreed that we should invite selected other groups to the 2006 event so that it could be a larger and more ambitious event next year.
iii. Berkeley Castle - It was agreed that we would seek an invitation to the ‘Joust’ event at Berkeley Castle in July 2006.
b. Winter activities.
i. Daniel Nelson has organised practice sessions in Settle during November and December 2005 to which all are welcome. He intends to organise more in the new year.
c. Publicity and Recruitment
i. It was agreed to seek publicity with a view to recruiting more new members for 2006. Posters will be placed in libraries and other prominent places.
9. Any Other Business.
Health & Safety at events was discussed.
The meeting closed at 4.00pm.
Know the Constitution and Health & Safety Policy
It is important that every member has a copy of our constitution and health & safety policy and has read them and understands them. We send copies of these out to new members when they join. If you would like another copy, please request one from Adrian Waite.
E-Mail Addresses
It would be useful for us to have the e-mail addresses of those members that have them. If you have an e-mail address and would like to be contacted by e-mail, please let Adrian Waite know.
Recruitment Poster
A copy of our recruitment poster is attached to this newsletter as the back page. We would be grateful if you could display it in a prominent place such as your car window, place of work, local pub, shop or library. If anyone would like more copies please let Adrian know and he will gladly send you as many as you want.
Battlefield Reports 2005
Thorp Perrow Arboretum
Thorp Perrow turned out to be another excellent August Bank Holiday event with a good turnout of our members, an excellent standard of re-enactment and a large number of public who enjoyed their visit. The weather was also good. What is more, we all enjoyed the weekend!
The number of aspects of medieval life that we are able to re-create: Archery, combat with polearms and swords, music, dance, cordwaining, cooking, apothecary to name but a few is excellent and we should all be pleased with the contributions that we all make.
Thorp Perrow was so pleased with the event that they have already invited us back for a three day event next August Bank Holiday. Perhaps we have found another permanent home for our August Bank Holiday event!
The event was the first for Matthew Hart, Tim Muller and John. We hope they all enjoyed it and will come again.
It was also the first event for the new group awning, the new kitchen tables, the new archery safety net and Daniel Nelson’s Rumanian wagon that looked like the one that Henry V used from which to make his speech before Agincourt!
Battle of Blore Heath
A small group of us attended the Wars of the Roses Federation’s re-enactment of the Battle of Blore Heath at the end of September. Luckily the rain held off for most of the time and so a good time was had by everyone who went. The special Battle Bitter that is brewed for the weekend sold out early on Saturday evening but this was not entirely our responsibility.
Battlefield Reports written by Elaine
Events 2006
We already have three firm bookings for 2006 so put them in your diary early!
Towton Battlefield Society Event
9th April Battle of Towton Commemoration
Red Wyvern Events
27th to 29th May Skipton Castle - Living History
26th to 28th August Thorp Perrow Arboretum - Living History
We will be arranging some further events. If you have any ideas about where you would like us to hold events please let us know. This will be discussed at the AGM.
For details telephone Elaine Waite on 017683-51498.
Welcome to our Newest Member
We are pleased to welcome our newest member: Wren who was born to Ann & Newton Bowmer in the Summer. We will look forward to seeing Ann, Newton, Bridget and Wren next year.
Towton Battlefield Memorial
In previous editions we have told you about the memorial that the Towton Battlefield Society has placed in the churchyard at Saxton. The memorial has been funded by donations and the Red Wyvern Society has contributed £25.
Thorp Perrow turned out to be another excellent August Bank Holiday event with a good turnout of our members, an excellent standard of re-enactment and a large number of public who enjoyed their visit. The weather was also good. What is more, we all enjoyed the weekend!
The number of aspects of medieval life that we are able to re-create: Archery, combat with polearms and swords, music, dance, cordwaining, cooking, apothecary to name but a few is excellent and we should all be pleased with the contributions that we all make.
Thorp Perrow was so pleased with the event that they have already invited us back for a three day event next August Bank Holiday. Perhaps we have found another permanent home for our August Bank Holiday event!
The event was the first for Matthew Hart, Tim Muller and John. We hope they all enjoyed it and will come again.
It was also the first event for the new group awning, the new kitchen tables, the new archery safety net and Daniel Nelson’s Rumanian wagon that looked like the one that Henry V used from which to make his speech before Agincourt!
Battle of Blore Heath
A small group of us attended the Wars of the Roses Federation’s re-enactment of the Battle of Blore Heath at the end of September. Luckily the rain held off for most of the time and so a good time was had by everyone who went. The special Battle Bitter that is brewed for the weekend sold out early on Saturday evening but this was not entirely our responsibility.
Battlefield Reports written by Elaine
Events 2006
We already have three firm bookings for 2006 so put them in your diary early!
Towton Battlefield Society Event
9th April Battle of Towton Commemoration
Red Wyvern Events
27th to 29th May Skipton Castle - Living History
26th to 28th August Thorp Perrow Arboretum - Living History
We will be arranging some further events. If you have any ideas about where you would like us to hold events please let us know. This will be discussed at the AGM.
For details telephone Elaine Waite on 017683-51498.
Welcome to our Newest Member
We are pleased to welcome our newest member: Wren who was born to Ann & Newton Bowmer in the Summer. We will look forward to seeing Ann, Newton, Bridget and Wren next year.
Towton Battlefield Memorial
In previous editions we have told you about the memorial that the Towton Battlefield Society has placed in the churchyard at Saxton. The memorial has been funded by donations and the Red Wyvern Society has contributed £25.