Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2010
held on 16th October 2010 at New House. Murton.
Present: Andreas Doebereiner, Anne Doebereiner, Sheila McDonald, Kenneth Morrison, Ruth Morrison, David Murray, Ginette Murray, Dan Nelson, John Nelson, Adrian Waite, Elaine Waite, Tim Wilson.
The meeting started at 2.00pm and ended at 4.00pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 Apologies for Absence were received from: Marie Amundsen, Helen Batchelor, Simon Batchelor, Ann Bowmer, Newton Bowmer, Jane Nelson, Aaron Robshaw, Anna Waite
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2009
2.1 The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed by Sheila McDonald. Seconded by David Murray.
3. Report on Activities during 2009/10
3.1 Dan Nelson reported that a good time had been had by all at the Towton Battle commemoration even though the wind had been strong enough to blow the cheese off the bread. All three of the men mustered for the commemoration. The skirmish went well even though Dan’s ears were ringing because of the hand gunners.
3.2 Sheila McDonald reported that the Tewkesbury Battle commemoration had been very good although it was a shame that we were not able to muster a bill line.
3.3 Elaine Waite reported on the other events. At Skipton the weather had been good and there was the usual good atmosphere. The same had been true of Muncaster and Elaine also thanked those ladies who had helped in the kitchen when she had been unwell. The range of activities and events at both living history weekends had been excellent. We have already been booked for events at Skipton and Muncaster for 2011 at a slightly higher price than in 2010. Those of us who had ventured to Lanark enjoyed the event but the organisational skills were poor and the fight was tame and short. Nonetheless, it was agreed that we should attend again.
4. Financial Report 2009/10
4.1 Adrian Waite reported that income for the year 2009/10 had been £1,858.56 and expenditure had been £1,687.25 giving a surplus for the year of £171.31 and a closing balance of £1,716.21. Copies of the detailed accounts were available at the meeting and are available to members on request.
4.2 It was agreed that we should buy replacement bow strings for the have-a-go bows, some replacement have-a-go arrows and two pairs of trestles for tables.
4.3 If anyone has any further ideas for group equipment they should contact the committee.
5. Proposed Amendments to Policies
5.1 This matter arose from Sheila McDonald’s attendance at the AGM of NARES in 2009 at which good practice in health & safety was discussed. This was further discussed at a committee meeting in January 2010.
Child Protection
5.2 It is considered good practice to have a child protection policy. Having reviewed the guidance from NARES the committee concluded that we were already following good practice but that we should have a formal policy. Adrian Waite had prepared a draft child protection policy that was discussed and agreed with the amendment that it would also refer to vulnerable adults. A copy of the child protection policy is appended to these minutes and will be given to all new members of the society.
Risk Assessment
5.3 It was agreed to formalise the risk assessment process in accordance with the guidance of NARES. Prior to each re-enactment or practice session a written risk assessment will be prepared, the contents of which will be made known to all participants. It was agreed that the health & safety policy be amended to reflect this. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.4 It was agreed that Ann Doebereiner would prepare a generic risk assessment for use at events during 2011.
Health & Safety
5.5 It was agreed that the Health & Safety policy should be amended to advise members to use individual rather than communal drinking vessels. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.6 It was agreed that the Health & Safety policy should be amended to state specifically that sharp tools (including the wood axe, kitchen knives, eating knives and wood and leather working tools) should be stored out of the sight of the public when they are not in use. It is recognised that this usually occurs but it is not currently a specific requirement of the health & safety policy.
5.7 It was agreed that all members would be given a copy of the Health & Safety policy and be asked to sign a declaration that they had read it and agreed to abide by its provisions. Action: Adrian Waite.
Membership Application Form
5.8 It was agreed that the membership application form would be amended to include a declaration that members:
Would abide by the constitution, health & safety policy and child protection policy
5.9 It was agreed that existing members would be asked to sign this declaration as part of a general updating of our members’ records.
5.10 Adrian Waite will redraft the form.
5.11 The guidance of NARES on combat training was considered.
5.12 It was agreed to formalise the induction training that is given to new members who wish to take part in combat demonstrations. Adrian Waite agreed to draft an induction training syllabus that focused on safety in combat demonstrations and to identify members who could be regarded as competent to train by virtue of their experience and safety record. New members would have to complete this induction training with a recognised trainer and both the new member and the trainer would have to sign that the training had been completed successfully before the new member could join a combat demonstration. The purpose of this training is to address safety requirements rather than to develop technique.
5.13 It was agreed that a training record would be kept at all practices (including winter practices and practices at events) to record who attended and what training took place. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.14 It was agreed that the health & safety policy be amended to reflect this. Action: Adrian Waite.
6. Election of Committee for 2010/11
6.1 The following members were elected: Elaine Waite (Chair), Sheila McDonald, Aaron Robshaw, Adrian Waite, Tim Wilson.
7. Planned Activities for 2010/11
7.1 The Towton Battlefield Commemoration will be held on Sunday 17th April 2011. This will be the 550th anniversary of the Battle and the Towton Battlefield Society is intending to organise a more ambitious event than usual. The Red Wyvern Society will attend.
7.2 We have already accepted an invitation to present another Living History at Skipton Castle over the late May Bank Holiday weekend 28th to 30th May 2011.
7.3 The Festival of Scottish History will take place at Lanark on 20th & 21st August 2011 and we intend to attend.
7.4 We have already accepted an invitation to present another Living History at Muncaster Castle over the August Bank Holiday weekend 27th to 29th August 2011.
7.5 It was agreed that we should seek another event in late June or early July 2011. Members suggested that Bamburgh Castle or Chillingham Castle may be suitable venues. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite should approach a number of suitable venues.
7.6 It was agreed that we should invite other Wars of the Roses Federation groups to some of our events. This has been done in previous years but with limited success. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite would approach other Wars of the Roses Federation groups again.
7.7 It was agreed to hold a Winter Meeting and Practice on Saturday 4th December 2010; and one a month in January, February and March 2011. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite would arrange the dates for 2011 and book the Murton Parish Hall.
8. Any Other Business
8.1 Aaron Robshaw had written to express concern that some archers had continued to shoot after he had given the command to ‘FAST’. It was agreed that this should not happen and members should be reminded. It was suggested that the Archery Captain should also blow a whistle when he wanted shooting to stop.
8.2 It was reported that Kenneth & Ruth Morrison had both written to the committee and that the committee had replied. Kenneth & Ruth Morrison have both asked that it be made known that Kenneth does not have any special needs. Kenneth should therefore be treated in the same way as any other member.
Adrian Waite
October 2010
Note: The dates that have been set for the 2011 Meetings and Practices are as follows:
Saturday 22nd January
Saturday 19th February
Saturday 26th March
Present: Andreas Doebereiner, Anne Doebereiner, Sheila McDonald, Kenneth Morrison, Ruth Morrison, David Murray, Ginette Murray, Dan Nelson, John Nelson, Adrian Waite, Elaine Waite, Tim Wilson.
The meeting started at 2.00pm and ended at 4.00pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 Apologies for Absence were received from: Marie Amundsen, Helen Batchelor, Simon Batchelor, Ann Bowmer, Newton Bowmer, Jane Nelson, Aaron Robshaw, Anna Waite
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2009
2.1 The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed by Sheila McDonald. Seconded by David Murray.
3. Report on Activities during 2009/10
3.1 Dan Nelson reported that a good time had been had by all at the Towton Battle commemoration even though the wind had been strong enough to blow the cheese off the bread. All three of the men mustered for the commemoration. The skirmish went well even though Dan’s ears were ringing because of the hand gunners.
3.2 Sheila McDonald reported that the Tewkesbury Battle commemoration had been very good although it was a shame that we were not able to muster a bill line.
3.3 Elaine Waite reported on the other events. At Skipton the weather had been good and there was the usual good atmosphere. The same had been true of Muncaster and Elaine also thanked those ladies who had helped in the kitchen when she had been unwell. The range of activities and events at both living history weekends had been excellent. We have already been booked for events at Skipton and Muncaster for 2011 at a slightly higher price than in 2010. Those of us who had ventured to Lanark enjoyed the event but the organisational skills were poor and the fight was tame and short. Nonetheless, it was agreed that we should attend again.
4. Financial Report 2009/10
4.1 Adrian Waite reported that income for the year 2009/10 had been £1,858.56 and expenditure had been £1,687.25 giving a surplus for the year of £171.31 and a closing balance of £1,716.21. Copies of the detailed accounts were available at the meeting and are available to members on request.
4.2 It was agreed that we should buy replacement bow strings for the have-a-go bows, some replacement have-a-go arrows and two pairs of trestles for tables.
4.3 If anyone has any further ideas for group equipment they should contact the committee.
5. Proposed Amendments to Policies
5.1 This matter arose from Sheila McDonald’s attendance at the AGM of NARES in 2009 at which good practice in health & safety was discussed. This was further discussed at a committee meeting in January 2010.
Child Protection
5.2 It is considered good practice to have a child protection policy. Having reviewed the guidance from NARES the committee concluded that we were already following good practice but that we should have a formal policy. Adrian Waite had prepared a draft child protection policy that was discussed and agreed with the amendment that it would also refer to vulnerable adults. A copy of the child protection policy is appended to these minutes and will be given to all new members of the society.
Risk Assessment
5.3 It was agreed to formalise the risk assessment process in accordance with the guidance of NARES. Prior to each re-enactment or practice session a written risk assessment will be prepared, the contents of which will be made known to all participants. It was agreed that the health & safety policy be amended to reflect this. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.4 It was agreed that Ann Doebereiner would prepare a generic risk assessment for use at events during 2011.
Health & Safety
5.5 It was agreed that the Health & Safety policy should be amended to advise members to use individual rather than communal drinking vessels. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.6 It was agreed that the Health & Safety policy should be amended to state specifically that sharp tools (including the wood axe, kitchen knives, eating knives and wood and leather working tools) should be stored out of the sight of the public when they are not in use. It is recognised that this usually occurs but it is not currently a specific requirement of the health & safety policy.
5.7 It was agreed that all members would be given a copy of the Health & Safety policy and be asked to sign a declaration that they had read it and agreed to abide by its provisions. Action: Adrian Waite.
Membership Application Form
5.8 It was agreed that the membership application form would be amended to include a declaration that members:
Would abide by the constitution, health & safety policy and child protection policy
5.9 It was agreed that existing members would be asked to sign this declaration as part of a general updating of our members’ records.
5.10 Adrian Waite will redraft the form.
5.11 The guidance of NARES on combat training was considered.
5.12 It was agreed to formalise the induction training that is given to new members who wish to take part in combat demonstrations. Adrian Waite agreed to draft an induction training syllabus that focused on safety in combat demonstrations and to identify members who could be regarded as competent to train by virtue of their experience and safety record. New members would have to complete this induction training with a recognised trainer and both the new member and the trainer would have to sign that the training had been completed successfully before the new member could join a combat demonstration. The purpose of this training is to address safety requirements rather than to develop technique.
5.13 It was agreed that a training record would be kept at all practices (including winter practices and practices at events) to record who attended and what training took place. Action: Adrian Waite.
5.14 It was agreed that the health & safety policy be amended to reflect this. Action: Adrian Waite.
6. Election of Committee for 2010/11
6.1 The following members were elected: Elaine Waite (Chair), Sheila McDonald, Aaron Robshaw, Adrian Waite, Tim Wilson.
7. Planned Activities for 2010/11
7.1 The Towton Battlefield Commemoration will be held on Sunday 17th April 2011. This will be the 550th anniversary of the Battle and the Towton Battlefield Society is intending to organise a more ambitious event than usual. The Red Wyvern Society will attend.
7.2 We have already accepted an invitation to present another Living History at Skipton Castle over the late May Bank Holiday weekend 28th to 30th May 2011.
7.3 The Festival of Scottish History will take place at Lanark on 20th & 21st August 2011 and we intend to attend.
7.4 We have already accepted an invitation to present another Living History at Muncaster Castle over the August Bank Holiday weekend 27th to 29th August 2011.
7.5 It was agreed that we should seek another event in late June or early July 2011. Members suggested that Bamburgh Castle or Chillingham Castle may be suitable venues. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite should approach a number of suitable venues.
7.6 It was agreed that we should invite other Wars of the Roses Federation groups to some of our events. This has been done in previous years but with limited success. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite would approach other Wars of the Roses Federation groups again.
7.7 It was agreed to hold a Winter Meeting and Practice on Saturday 4th December 2010; and one a month in January, February and March 2011. It was agreed that Adrian & Elaine Waite would arrange the dates for 2011 and book the Murton Parish Hall.
8. Any Other Business
8.1 Aaron Robshaw had written to express concern that some archers had continued to shoot after he had given the command to ‘FAST’. It was agreed that this should not happen and members should be reminded. It was suggested that the Archery Captain should also blow a whistle when he wanted shooting to stop.
8.2 It was reported that Kenneth & Ruth Morrison had both written to the committee and that the committee had replied. Kenneth & Ruth Morrison have both asked that it be made known that Kenneth does not have any special needs. Kenneth should therefore be treated in the same way as any other member.
Adrian Waite
October 2010
Note: The dates that have been set for the 2011 Meetings and Practices are as follows:
Saturday 22nd January
Saturday 19th February
Saturday 26th March