1. Introduction
1.1 The name of the Society shall be The Red Wyvern Society.
1.2 The Red Wyvern Society will ordinarily depict the Clifford Household.
2. Mission Statement
2.1 The Red Wyvern Society:
•Is an historical re-enactment society whose objectives are to re-create as many aspects as possible of life in fifteenth century Britain for the enjoyment and education of its members and the general public by providing a display of a professional standard.
•Re-creates life in the fifteenth century through Living History, Reproductions of fifteenth century artefacts, crafts, mock battles, presentations, and other appropriate means.
•Strives for the highest standards of authenticity in costume, equipment, conduct, and activities.
•Is non-profit making with all income used to defray expenditure and purchase equipment.
•Welcomes members of all ages and both sexes and is non-political and non-sectarian.
•Is an open and democratic society in which all members are afforded equal opportunity to participate in activities and decision making.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the society is open to all people aged sixteen or over who apply to join the society and are accepted into membership by the committee.
3.2 The committee is entitled to refuse membership to any person, or to expel a member if it appears to the committee that their membership is or would be detrimental to the society for any reason. If a member wishes to appeal against their expulsion they may appeal to the following annual general meeting.
3.3 Individuals may also join the Society as Friends. This category of membership is designed for those who do not wish to do Re-Enactment themselves, but wish to support the Society, and be kept up to date with its activities. Friends will not have voting rights.
3.4 The membership fee shall be determined by the members at the AGM for the following calendar year.
3.5 Members of the society must accept responsibility for their own actions, and abide by the law, health & safety regulations, the rules of the Red Wyvern Society and the instructions of the society’s committee.
4. Young People
4.1 Young adults - persons between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, are welcome to join the Society, but their parent(s) or guardian must be made aware of the activities of the society and the potential risks and must give their approval to the young person joining in writing.
4.2 Young people under the age of sixteen are welcome to participate in events, but must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian who will be responsible for their actions. Exceptionally they may be accompanied instead by another adult who is a member of the society and who is approved by the committee, as long as their parent(s) or guardian is made aware of the activities of the society and the potential risks and must give their approval to the young person joining in writing.
5. Annual General Meeting
5.1 The Society will hold an Annual General Meeting at a time and venue determined by the committee which will:
(a) Approve the minutes of the previous AGM.
(b) Receive a report from the committee on all the society's activities for the previous year.
(c) Receive a financial report (see below).
(d) Elect the committee and other officers.
(e) Discuss any resolution which has a proposer and seconder.
(f) Discuss any matter referred to the AGM by the committee.
5.2 The Committee will inform all members of the society in writing of the date, time, and place of the AGM at least 14 days before it is to be held, and will provide all members with a written agenda.
5.3 The Committee will provide the AGM with a financial report. Any member also has a right to request a written copy of the accounts.
5.4 An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called within four weeks if a written petition signed by at least ten members is given to the committee, or if the committee so resolves.
6. The Committee
6.1 The general administration of the society will be carried out by the committee which will act in accordance with the constitution and the decisions of the AGM.
6.2 The committee will elect a Chairperson and will carry out the administration of the society, dividing the duties between themselves as they see fit.
6.3 The Chairperson will convene meetings of the committee as required. The quorum shall be three.
6.4 All committee meetings will be minuted and minutes made available for inspection by all members.
6.5 If a vacancy on the committee arises during the year, or if a place remains unfilled at the AGM, the committee will use its discretion to fill the vacancy either by postal ballot or by co-option as it feels appropriate.
6.6 A member who is nominated for or elected to the committee must declare if they are a member of another re-enactment society.
6.7 The Committee shall ensure that a proper account of all the society's income, expenditure, assets, and liabilities is kept. The financial year end will be 30th September
6.8 The income and property of the society will be applied solely to its aims. No officer or member of the society shall receive any payment other than reimbursement of expenses.
7. Equipment and Safety
7.1 Members are expected to provide their own equipment, although provision will be made by the committee for some communal equipment, and for new members to borrow costume or equipment if available.
7.2 The society cannot be held responsible for any injury or loss of property occurring to a member. All members will act in a responsible way to ensure safety to themselves, other members, and third parties.
7.3 All equipment including weapons must be approved by the Safety Officer as to safety and by the Captain as to authenticity.
8. Military Matters
8.1 Weapons practices and combat are closed to members of the public, except that this will not prevent members of the public from being invited to handle equipment under supervision.
8.2 Members participating in combat and weapons practices must wear adequate protection and take adequate precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and others. In particular, they must observe the Safety Policy. No member may participate in combat while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The committee may refuse to allow any member to participate in any combat, practice, demonstration, or other activity if it appears to them for any reason that the member is not fit to take part safely or appropriately.
8.3 All weapons used must conform to current society safety practice. Any person in charge of a weapon should be capable of using it in a safe manner. The Safety Officer will prepare a safety policy for agreement by the committee.
8.4 All weapons used must be stored in a place of safety while at events.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 The Society may only be dissolved if a resolution to that effect is passed by a two thirds majority of the full membership at an AGM or EGM, with written notice of that resolution having previously been given to all full members.
9.2 In the event of the dissolution of the society, all goods shall be sold at a fair price and the proceeds and all other monies shall be distributed equally amongst the full members who have been in membership for over twelve months and have attended six or more events.
9.3 The constitution is changeable only by two thirds majority at the AGM or an EGM.
December 2006.
1. Introduction
1.1 This Health and Safety Policy will apply to all members of the Red Wyvern Society, at all events which they attend as a member of the society.
1.2 This Health and Safety Policy will also apply to any person, who, while not being a member of the society is participating in an event organised by the Society.
1.3 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that all members of the Society, and all persons referred to in 1.2 are made aware of the terms of this policy.
1.4 This Health & Safety Policy can only be varied by a majority decision of the committee.
2. Weapons
2.1 Weapons are defined as anything used in combat or in practice either for offensive or defensive purposes, and therefore includes items such as bows, arrows, and shields (including bucklers).
2.2 All weapons must be blunt. This is defined as having no 'sharp' edges sharper than a £1 coin (with the exception of a dagger that can be as ‘sharp’ as a 5p coin), and being no less than 2mm thick. All arrows which are to be used in combat or with live targets must be blunt with padded points, and large flights.
2.3 All burrs are to be removed from weapons before each combat or practice. Archers are to ensure that there are no splinters on their shafts.
2.4 Flail weapons are to be used neither in combat nor in practice.
2.5 Weapons are not to be inserted into the ground.
2.6 When the public have access to the site, weapons are to be either:
(a) In the personal custody of a member of the group;
(b) Placed out of the site of the public (eg in a tent); or
(c) Placed in a designated Armoury. The Captain is to specify which place(s) will be the Armoury, and is to ensure that at least one adult member is present there at all times. This is to ensure that members of the public who handle weapons do so appropriately, and that nothing is taken away from the Armoury.
3. Combat, Demonstrations and Practices
3.1 The Captain is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed during combat, demonstrations, or practices. If the Captain is not present, the committee will ensure that another member assumes this role.
3.2 Members must not take part in combat demonstrations or battle re-enactments unless properly trained and certified competent by the Captain or a vintner. The Captain is to appoint vintners.
3.3 Combat, Demonstrations and Practices will ordinarily take place in a designated area, which will be separated from areas used by the public by a fence, wall, double rope or other suitable barrier. Where this is not practical, members of the society who are not participating in the combat, demonstration or practice must ensure that the public remain at a safe distance from the combat, and the Health and Safety Officer must be satisfied that these arrangements are adequate.
3.4 Anyone entering combat, demonstrations or practices must not be unduly affected by alcohol, any drugs or medication, or be too tired, unwell, or emotional. No one is to consume any alcohol during the six hours prior to participating in combat, demonstrations or practices. If it appears to the Captain or the Safety Officer that anyone does not meet this requirement they will be refused entry to the combat area.
3.5 No one entering the area which is to be used for the combat, demonstration or practice, must be carrying any sharp items, including items with which they will not fight, such as eating knives.
3.6 Any combatant must wear a helmet, a jack, gloves and shoes, as a minimum safety requirement. Anyone entering a battle re-enactment area as a non-combatant must wear a helmet.
3.7 The Safety Officer will inspect every member of the Society before they enter a combat, demonstration, or practice area to satisfy himself that they are complying with 3.3 to 3.5 above.
4. Archery
4.1 The Captain is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed by all Archers, whether in combat, demonstrations, or practices. If the Captain is not present, another member must assume this role.
4.2 The Archery target is to be placed where the archers have a clear field of vision for a distance behind the target of fifty yards or the target distance, whichever is the shorter; or else is to be placed in front of a substantial wall, fence, or netting.
4.3 All Archers must be fit for archery, and not be unduly affected by alcohol, any drugs or medication, or be too tired, unwell, or emotional. No one is to consume any alcohol during the six hours prior to archery. If it appears to the Captain or the Safety Officer that anyone does not meet this requirement they will be refused entry to the archery area.
4.4 Archers are to stand in a straight line while shooting the target. Those observing the archery are to stand either behind the archers or at 45 degrees from the archers.
4.5 The Captain will ensure that no one enters the archery area while the archers are shooting, and will ensure that stewards are posted as appropriate to prevent anyone entering an unsafe area. He will ensure that all archery has ceased before arrows are collected.
4.6 Archers shooting at live targets must have no sharp arrows in their possession. If bows are of more than 35 lbs draw archers must half-draw when shooting a live target. Bows are to be shot at a 45 degree angle in battle re-enactments but not necessarily in demonstrations. When shooting a live target in demonstrations, the target must be over sixteen years of age and is to wear armour covering the body and face.
5. Kitchen
5.1 The Cook is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed in the kitchen area. If the Cook is not present, the committee will ensure that another member assumes this role.
5.2 Food is to be stored and prepared in a hygenic manner.
5.3 The Fire must be attended at all times, and suitable barriers put in place to ensure there is no public access.
5.4 A Fire Extinguisher is to be kept in a suitable place close to the kitchen.
6. Diseases and Injuries
6.1 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that a qualified first aider is present at all events and that a First Aid Kit is available.
6.2 Any person who believes themselves to be ill or injured should inform the First Aider, who will determine what action should be taken. The Health & Safety Officer must also be informed and will record the matter in the Health & Safety record.
6.3 If the illness or injury prevents the person from reporting to the First aider it will be the duty of other members in the vicinity to do so.
7. Animals
7.1 If animals are brought to events, they must be authentic animals that are part of the living history display and must be kept under control at all times.
8. The Health & Safety Officer
8.1 The Health & Safety Officer will keep up to date with all health and safety matters, including advice given by NAReS, and will communicate this information to other members as appropriate.
8.2 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is kept up to date, that all members are aware of it and abide by it, and that re-enactors who are not members of the Society who attend Society events are made aware of it and abide by it.
8.3 The Health & Safety Officer will prepare a risk assessment in advance of each event, will communicate its contents to other members as appropriate, and will ensure that the risk control strategies that are identified are observed.
8.4 The Health & Safety Officer will enforce the Health & Safety Policy by making whatever checks or inspections he thinks necessary, and will be able to give any instruction which he thinks fit to any member, or any re-enactor attending a Society event. There is no right to appeal, but any member wishing to complain about a decision of the Health & Safety Officer may make a subsequent complaint to the committee.
8.5 The Health & Safety Officer will maintain a record of all members with First Aid qualifications.
8.6 If the Health & Safety Officer is not present at an event, the committee shall ensure that another member fulfils this role.
December 2006.
1. Introduction
1.1 The name of the Society shall be The Red Wyvern Society.
1.2 The Red Wyvern Society will ordinarily depict the Clifford Household.
2. Mission Statement
2.1 The Red Wyvern Society:
•Is an historical re-enactment society whose objectives are to re-create as many aspects as possible of life in fifteenth century Britain for the enjoyment and education of its members and the general public by providing a display of a professional standard.
•Re-creates life in the fifteenth century through Living History, Reproductions of fifteenth century artefacts, crafts, mock battles, presentations, and other appropriate means.
•Strives for the highest standards of authenticity in costume, equipment, conduct, and activities.
•Is non-profit making with all income used to defray expenditure and purchase equipment.
•Welcomes members of all ages and both sexes and is non-political and non-sectarian.
•Is an open and democratic society in which all members are afforded equal opportunity to participate in activities and decision making.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the society is open to all people aged sixteen or over who apply to join the society and are accepted into membership by the committee.
3.2 The committee is entitled to refuse membership to any person, or to expel a member if it appears to the committee that their membership is or would be detrimental to the society for any reason. If a member wishes to appeal against their expulsion they may appeal to the following annual general meeting.
3.3 Individuals may also join the Society as Friends. This category of membership is designed for those who do not wish to do Re-Enactment themselves, but wish to support the Society, and be kept up to date with its activities. Friends will not have voting rights.
3.4 The membership fee shall be determined by the members at the AGM for the following calendar year.
3.5 Members of the society must accept responsibility for their own actions, and abide by the law, health & safety regulations, the rules of the Red Wyvern Society and the instructions of the society’s committee.
4. Young People
4.1 Young adults - persons between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, are welcome to join the Society, but their parent(s) or guardian must be made aware of the activities of the society and the potential risks and must give their approval to the young person joining in writing.
4.2 Young people under the age of sixteen are welcome to participate in events, but must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian who will be responsible for their actions. Exceptionally they may be accompanied instead by another adult who is a member of the society and who is approved by the committee, as long as their parent(s) or guardian is made aware of the activities of the society and the potential risks and must give their approval to the young person joining in writing.
5. Annual General Meeting
5.1 The Society will hold an Annual General Meeting at a time and venue determined by the committee which will:
(a) Approve the minutes of the previous AGM.
(b) Receive a report from the committee on all the society's activities for the previous year.
(c) Receive a financial report (see below).
(d) Elect the committee and other officers.
(e) Discuss any resolution which has a proposer and seconder.
(f) Discuss any matter referred to the AGM by the committee.
5.2 The Committee will inform all members of the society in writing of the date, time, and place of the AGM at least 14 days before it is to be held, and will provide all members with a written agenda.
5.3 The Committee will provide the AGM with a financial report. Any member also has a right to request a written copy of the accounts.
5.4 An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called within four weeks if a written petition signed by at least ten members is given to the committee, or if the committee so resolves.
6. The Committee
6.1 The general administration of the society will be carried out by the committee which will act in accordance with the constitution and the decisions of the AGM.
6.2 The committee will elect a Chairperson and will carry out the administration of the society, dividing the duties between themselves as they see fit.
6.3 The Chairperson will convene meetings of the committee as required. The quorum shall be three.
6.4 All committee meetings will be minuted and minutes made available for inspection by all members.
6.5 If a vacancy on the committee arises during the year, or if a place remains unfilled at the AGM, the committee will use its discretion to fill the vacancy either by postal ballot or by co-option as it feels appropriate.
6.6 A member who is nominated for or elected to the committee must declare if they are a member of another re-enactment society.
6.7 The Committee shall ensure that a proper account of all the society's income, expenditure, assets, and liabilities is kept. The financial year end will be 30th September
6.8 The income and property of the society will be applied solely to its aims. No officer or member of the society shall receive any payment other than reimbursement of expenses.
7. Equipment and Safety
7.1 Members are expected to provide their own equipment, although provision will be made by the committee for some communal equipment, and for new members to borrow costume or equipment if available.
7.2 The society cannot be held responsible for any injury or loss of property occurring to a member. All members will act in a responsible way to ensure safety to themselves, other members, and third parties.
7.3 All equipment including weapons must be approved by the Safety Officer as to safety and by the Captain as to authenticity.
8. Military Matters
8.1 Weapons practices and combat are closed to members of the public, except that this will not prevent members of the public from being invited to handle equipment under supervision.
8.2 Members participating in combat and weapons practices must wear adequate protection and take adequate precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and others. In particular, they must observe the Safety Policy. No member may participate in combat while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The committee may refuse to allow any member to participate in any combat, practice, demonstration, or other activity if it appears to them for any reason that the member is not fit to take part safely or appropriately.
8.3 All weapons used must conform to current society safety practice. Any person in charge of a weapon should be capable of using it in a safe manner. The Safety Officer will prepare a safety policy for agreement by the committee.
8.4 All weapons used must be stored in a place of safety while at events.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 The Society may only be dissolved if a resolution to that effect is passed by a two thirds majority of the full membership at an AGM or EGM, with written notice of that resolution having previously been given to all full members.
9.2 In the event of the dissolution of the society, all goods shall be sold at a fair price and the proceeds and all other monies shall be distributed equally amongst the full members who have been in membership for over twelve months and have attended six or more events.
9.3 The constitution is changeable only by two thirds majority at the AGM or an EGM.
December 2006.
1. Introduction
1.1 This Health and Safety Policy will apply to all members of the Red Wyvern Society, at all events which they attend as a member of the society.
1.2 This Health and Safety Policy will also apply to any person, who, while not being a member of the society is participating in an event organised by the Society.
1.3 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that all members of the Society, and all persons referred to in 1.2 are made aware of the terms of this policy.
1.4 This Health & Safety Policy can only be varied by a majority decision of the committee.
2. Weapons
2.1 Weapons are defined as anything used in combat or in practice either for offensive or defensive purposes, and therefore includes items such as bows, arrows, and shields (including bucklers).
2.2 All weapons must be blunt. This is defined as having no 'sharp' edges sharper than a £1 coin (with the exception of a dagger that can be as ‘sharp’ as a 5p coin), and being no less than 2mm thick. All arrows which are to be used in combat or with live targets must be blunt with padded points, and large flights.
2.3 All burrs are to be removed from weapons before each combat or practice. Archers are to ensure that there are no splinters on their shafts.
2.4 Flail weapons are to be used neither in combat nor in practice.
2.5 Weapons are not to be inserted into the ground.
2.6 When the public have access to the site, weapons are to be either:
(a) In the personal custody of a member of the group;
(b) Placed out of the site of the public (eg in a tent); or
(c) Placed in a designated Armoury. The Captain is to specify which place(s) will be the Armoury, and is to ensure that at least one adult member is present there at all times. This is to ensure that members of the public who handle weapons do so appropriately, and that nothing is taken away from the Armoury.
3. Combat, Demonstrations and Practices
3.1 The Captain is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed during combat, demonstrations, or practices. If the Captain is not present, the committee will ensure that another member assumes this role.
3.2 Members must not take part in combat demonstrations or battle re-enactments unless properly trained and certified competent by the Captain or a vintner. The Captain is to appoint vintners.
3.3 Combat, Demonstrations and Practices will ordinarily take place in a designated area, which will be separated from areas used by the public by a fence, wall, double rope or other suitable barrier. Where this is not practical, members of the society who are not participating in the combat, demonstration or practice must ensure that the public remain at a safe distance from the combat, and the Health and Safety Officer must be satisfied that these arrangements are adequate.
3.4 Anyone entering combat, demonstrations or practices must not be unduly affected by alcohol, any drugs or medication, or be too tired, unwell, or emotional. No one is to consume any alcohol during the six hours prior to participating in combat, demonstrations or practices. If it appears to the Captain or the Safety Officer that anyone does not meet this requirement they will be refused entry to the combat area.
3.5 No one entering the area which is to be used for the combat, demonstration or practice, must be carrying any sharp items, including items with which they will not fight, such as eating knives.
3.6 Any combatant must wear a helmet, a jack, gloves and shoes, as a minimum safety requirement. Anyone entering a battle re-enactment area as a non-combatant must wear a helmet.
3.7 The Safety Officer will inspect every member of the Society before they enter a combat, demonstration, or practice area to satisfy himself that they are complying with 3.3 to 3.5 above.
4. Archery
4.1 The Captain is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed by all Archers, whether in combat, demonstrations, or practices. If the Captain is not present, another member must assume this role.
4.2 The Archery target is to be placed where the archers have a clear field of vision for a distance behind the target of fifty yards or the target distance, whichever is the shorter; or else is to be placed in front of a substantial wall, fence, or netting.
4.3 All Archers must be fit for archery, and not be unduly affected by alcohol, any drugs or medication, or be too tired, unwell, or emotional. No one is to consume any alcohol during the six hours prior to archery. If it appears to the Captain or the Safety Officer that anyone does not meet this requirement they will be refused entry to the archery area.
4.4 Archers are to stand in a straight line while shooting the target. Those observing the archery are to stand either behind the archers or at 45 degrees from the archers.
4.5 The Captain will ensure that no one enters the archery area while the archers are shooting, and will ensure that stewards are posted as appropriate to prevent anyone entering an unsafe area. He will ensure that all archery has ceased before arrows are collected.
4.6 Archers shooting at live targets must have no sharp arrows in their possession. If bows are of more than 35 lbs draw archers must half-draw when shooting a live target. Bows are to be shot at a 45 degree angle in battle re-enactments but not necessarily in demonstrations. When shooting a live target in demonstrations, the target must be over sixteen years of age and is to wear armour covering the body and face.
5. Kitchen
5.1 The Cook is responsible for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is observed in the kitchen area. If the Cook is not present, the committee will ensure that another member assumes this role.
5.2 Food is to be stored and prepared in a hygenic manner.
5.3 The Fire must be attended at all times, and suitable barriers put in place to ensure there is no public access.
5.4 A Fire Extinguisher is to be kept in a suitable place close to the kitchen.
6. Diseases and Injuries
6.1 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that a qualified first aider is present at all events and that a First Aid Kit is available.
6.2 Any person who believes themselves to be ill or injured should inform the First Aider, who will determine what action should be taken. The Health & Safety Officer must also be informed and will record the matter in the Health & Safety record.
6.3 If the illness or injury prevents the person from reporting to the First aider it will be the duty of other members in the vicinity to do so.
7. Animals
7.1 If animals are brought to events, they must be authentic animals that are part of the living history display and must be kept under control at all times.
8. The Health & Safety Officer
8.1 The Health & Safety Officer will keep up to date with all health and safety matters, including advice given by NAReS, and will communicate this information to other members as appropriate.
8.2 The Health & Safety Officer will ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is kept up to date, that all members are aware of it and abide by it, and that re-enactors who are not members of the Society who attend Society events are made aware of it and abide by it.
8.3 The Health & Safety Officer will prepare a risk assessment in advance of each event, will communicate its contents to other members as appropriate, and will ensure that the risk control strategies that are identified are observed.
8.4 The Health & Safety Officer will enforce the Health & Safety Policy by making whatever checks or inspections he thinks necessary, and will be able to give any instruction which he thinks fit to any member, or any re-enactor attending a Society event. There is no right to appeal, but any member wishing to complain about a decision of the Health & Safety Officer may make a subsequent complaint to the committee.
8.5 The Health & Safety Officer will maintain a record of all members with First Aid qualifications.
8.6 If the Health & Safety Officer is not present at an event, the committee shall ensure that another member fulfils this role.
December 2006.