Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2014
held on Sunday 30th November 2014 at Moorland Head Farm, Penrith.
Present: David Murray, Stephanie Alexander, Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald, James Hodgson, Dan Nelson, John Nelson, Aaron Robshaw, Marie Ammundsen, Alison Sauer, Kenneth Morrison, Ruth Morrison, Matt James, Neil Tranter, Lulu Thomas, Edward Thomas, Miles Thomas.
The meeting started at 3pm and ended at 4.34 pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 Apologies for Absence were received from: Adam Hughes, Dan Hughes, Newton Bowmer, Chris Dolan
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2013
2.1 The minutes were agreed as a true record with one minor error regarding Mary standing for election (which she didn’t, she is not on the committee!)
3. Chairmans Report during 2013/14
3.1 Events etc
Excellent weather. Good numbers of people there – the most in all my time as a Wyvern. We did the battlefield walk in our armour and laid a wreath on behalf of the Lancastrians. The battle plan was a bit complicated and I was very confused but we managed! There does seem to be more artillery every year which isn’t so good when you are directly in front of it or in a small space….
Our only let down was one of the senior members (who should know better) partaking of too much falling down water and falling down and breaking his tent at the same time.
Was as usual. Everybody knew what to do and did it. No major incidents this year. We were a well-oiled machine.
Tewkesbury & Mortimer’s Cross – Wesley’s report follows
Another well-oiled machine. We shot arrows from the keep. There was some film crew (poss Antiques Road Trip?) There was a slight problem with the food which meant a slight detour to collect it. We will have to think again about that.
(Mary got injured again. But she is still fighting).
General comments
Thank you all for turning up and for the work you put in, especially Marie and the catering crew. (Hopefully they will feed us again next year).
I think we had a good year – some new members, some new kit and some good events.
Next Year
Well you have got to do better because if don’t improve you may get complacent, stagnate and wither away. (Some of you are withered enough as it is)
So whilst you have time, do more research, make new things, improve what you do, or try out a new persona, then you won’t get bored.
3.2 Supplemental to Chairman’s report from Wesley Perriman
Tewkesbury, 12th -13th July 2014
Attended by Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald, Neil Tranter, Chris “Reiver” Dolan, Adam Hughes, Jenni Adshead and Janine Reynolds.
Good weekend had by all - no injuries. The battle was the usual intense scrap where you have little idea of what you’re meant to be doing so you have to go with the flow!
Mary did buy a new shiny spear to use on the second day but some nasty person broke it in the first push, but on the flip side I broke one of the Howard’s bills, so all fair in love and war!
The Market was good this year and Mary and I invested group funds in some new group kit, namely one new ladle and a selection of pots. Now the variety of pots were either chosen for their practical use but also we included some talking pieces (for example the baby feeder) I did get the request for mixing bowls but unfortunately these had all sold out earlier in the season I have ordered some for next year.
Schools Day- I didn't make it to the schools day but Mary did and was very impressed by it.
Should we attend next year? I think so.
dates for 2015 are 11th & 12th July
Mortimers Cross 13th - 14th September
Attended by Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald and James Hodgson
A delightful event well worth the effort getting to... (no comments on incidents in the centre of Lancaster, thus causing the missing of trains followed by a detour to Lancaster and finished off with a couple of M6 closures!)
The event operates a two fight system (which is becoming more common) This works very well in my opinion. Basically there is a small fight in the morning followed by a bigger one in the afternoon.
The Morning battle was the fictitious Battle of Bullsmoor 1459. This was a bit of a free for all but the idea was the Lancastrians get to win (for a change) James seemed to be enjoying himself even got to kill Allan Harley and the end. (Fantastic photo of this on the website)
The Afternoon battle was The Battle of Mortimer's Cross 1461. Much larger than the morning warm up included a script which we forgot about and just did what every body else was doing... granted this did end up with the 3 of us right in the middle pushing back the line with some other stragglers.
This was one where we had to lose but we did it with style next to the crowd with a lot of screaming... and on Sunday we even ran away a bit! (for tactical reason, honest)
One annoying thing was we did lose Mary for the final battle due to a reoccurring medical problem, but that said she was a welcome water carrier.
Should we attend next year? Despite the distance it was a nice event to finish off the season, it sort of reminded me of Blore Heath. but if I had to pick one event down south for the group to attend it would be Tewkesbury.
What has come out of attending these events as well as Towton is that we are back on the scene regarding Wars of the Roses Federation Events (Fed events) and we are getting asked what events we are attending next year. So my suggestions are Towton 29th March, Tewkesbury 11th & 12th July and Bosworth 22nd &23rd August (maybe a 4th event depending on what's on and is it local)
I am also working on relations with other northern groups with the view of getting some invitations to events in the north, for example the Buckinghams are doing Pontefract castle and the Frei Compagnie have done Bolling Hall, Bradford. Now the one local event we already do with these groups is Towton so I have a suggestion... I suggest we arrange with the Frei Compagnie and the Towton Battlefield Society to come for the weekend and set up a living history encampment like we do for our events.
We are a fantastic group its about time the fed see this.
4. Financial Report 2013/14
4.1 David gave a full review of the group accounts and a copy has been added in the Appendix. Small net deficit but explainable by new equipment spend. Subs cover insurance and now changed for renewal in June and to cover kit and events which it didn’t before
4.2 Main cost is transport and second main one food. Need enough members to add federation membership to ensure the group stays a member
4.3 Bank balance in main account £1269.55
4.4 See attached Appendix 1 for more information
5. Election of Committee for 2014/15
5.1 The following members were elected:
Chair – Dan Nelson
Secretary – Aaron Robshaw resigned due to other commitments Alison Sauer was voted in
Treasurer – David Murray
Website and social media Co-ordinator – Wesley Perriman
Health & Safety Officer – Newton Bowmer
Other committee members – Aaron Robshaw Marie Ammundsen, Matthew James.
Aaron wanted to say that The secretary position is easier due to automatic stuff and turning things from paper to electronic.
6. Planned Activities for 2013/14
6.1 It was agreed to attend the following:
Broughton Hall £600 for two day event.
6.2 Other events/activities:
Being on the menu of executive have a go activities in Broughton Hall (3 people, kit kept in a trailer in Skipton settle area etc)
6.3 Appleby – still very vague about commitment
6.4 Events list attached – appendix 2
7. Any Other Business
7.1 Armoury – rope barrier, must always be manned (2 people), stuff out of reach, kids must have a supervising adult, written disclaimer and rules. David and Newton will write and Alison will run it past a tame lawyer.
7.2 Mini field kit – firebox and fire bucket and kit that are more transportable. Including small amount of kitchen equipment and first aid kit, some modern
7.3 stuff like etc. Small canopy/awning.
7.4 Handbook – add livery pattern
7.5 Agincourt – 600th anniversary this year.
7.6 At muncaster flag carryng and drums for children in the group looked really great. Upgrading and renewing some of that kit would be great. Other children’s things could be relics. Religious aspects are sorely missing.
7.7 Handbook is a work in progress
7.8 Constitution needs reading through Wesley to put on facebook group
7.9 Loan kit Children’s shoes – some with old members still – Aaron will chase. Boy’s kit also slowly collecting.
7.10 Website and social media etc. Lots of interaction happening between groups and publicising our sites etc
7.11 Need new posters to put up around the place
7.12 Emphasise living history….
7.13 Watch content of conversation……comment about phones and cameras etc. STAY IN CHARACTER
7.14 Next year’s venue to be arranged.
Alison Sauer
Appendix – Events List
Place/name Date Type of event
Towton Palm Sunday
27th-29th March Towton Commemoration
Barnoldswick 18th April Display and camp
Skipton 23rd – 25th May Household event
Broughton Hall mid June Pitch in big country fair
Tewkesbury 11th-12th July Battle of Tewkesbury
Fight Camp 7th – 9th August
Bosworth 22nd-23rd August Battle of Bosworth 1485
Muncaster 29th – 31st August Household Event
Hampton Court Castle 12th – 13th September Big Battle
Kenilworth Castle 19th – 20th September Large event based on Agincourt
Present: David Murray, Stephanie Alexander, Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald, James Hodgson, Dan Nelson, John Nelson, Aaron Robshaw, Marie Ammundsen, Alison Sauer, Kenneth Morrison, Ruth Morrison, Matt James, Neil Tranter, Lulu Thomas, Edward Thomas, Miles Thomas.
The meeting started at 3pm and ended at 4.34 pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 Apologies for Absence were received from: Adam Hughes, Dan Hughes, Newton Bowmer, Chris Dolan
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2013
2.1 The minutes were agreed as a true record with one minor error regarding Mary standing for election (which she didn’t, she is not on the committee!)
3. Chairmans Report during 2013/14
3.1 Events etc
Excellent weather. Good numbers of people there – the most in all my time as a Wyvern. We did the battlefield walk in our armour and laid a wreath on behalf of the Lancastrians. The battle plan was a bit complicated and I was very confused but we managed! There does seem to be more artillery every year which isn’t so good when you are directly in front of it or in a small space….
Our only let down was one of the senior members (who should know better) partaking of too much falling down water and falling down and breaking his tent at the same time.
Was as usual. Everybody knew what to do and did it. No major incidents this year. We were a well-oiled machine.
Tewkesbury & Mortimer’s Cross – Wesley’s report follows
Another well-oiled machine. We shot arrows from the keep. There was some film crew (poss Antiques Road Trip?) There was a slight problem with the food which meant a slight detour to collect it. We will have to think again about that.
(Mary got injured again. But she is still fighting).
General comments
Thank you all for turning up and for the work you put in, especially Marie and the catering crew. (Hopefully they will feed us again next year).
I think we had a good year – some new members, some new kit and some good events.
Next Year
Well you have got to do better because if don’t improve you may get complacent, stagnate and wither away. (Some of you are withered enough as it is)
So whilst you have time, do more research, make new things, improve what you do, or try out a new persona, then you won’t get bored.
3.2 Supplemental to Chairman’s report from Wesley Perriman
Tewkesbury, 12th -13th July 2014
Attended by Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald, Neil Tranter, Chris “Reiver” Dolan, Adam Hughes, Jenni Adshead and Janine Reynolds.
Good weekend had by all - no injuries. The battle was the usual intense scrap where you have little idea of what you’re meant to be doing so you have to go with the flow!
Mary did buy a new shiny spear to use on the second day but some nasty person broke it in the first push, but on the flip side I broke one of the Howard’s bills, so all fair in love and war!
The Market was good this year and Mary and I invested group funds in some new group kit, namely one new ladle and a selection of pots. Now the variety of pots were either chosen for their practical use but also we included some talking pieces (for example the baby feeder) I did get the request for mixing bowls but unfortunately these had all sold out earlier in the season I have ordered some for next year.
Schools Day- I didn't make it to the schools day but Mary did and was very impressed by it.
Should we attend next year? I think so.
dates for 2015 are 11th & 12th July
Mortimers Cross 13th - 14th September
Attended by Wesley Perriman, Sheila “Mary” MacDonald and James Hodgson
A delightful event well worth the effort getting to... (no comments on incidents in the centre of Lancaster, thus causing the missing of trains followed by a detour to Lancaster and finished off with a couple of M6 closures!)
The event operates a two fight system (which is becoming more common) This works very well in my opinion. Basically there is a small fight in the morning followed by a bigger one in the afternoon.
The Morning battle was the fictitious Battle of Bullsmoor 1459. This was a bit of a free for all but the idea was the Lancastrians get to win (for a change) James seemed to be enjoying himself even got to kill Allan Harley and the end. (Fantastic photo of this on the website)
The Afternoon battle was The Battle of Mortimer's Cross 1461. Much larger than the morning warm up included a script which we forgot about and just did what every body else was doing... granted this did end up with the 3 of us right in the middle pushing back the line with some other stragglers.
This was one where we had to lose but we did it with style next to the crowd with a lot of screaming... and on Sunday we even ran away a bit! (for tactical reason, honest)
One annoying thing was we did lose Mary for the final battle due to a reoccurring medical problem, but that said she was a welcome water carrier.
Should we attend next year? Despite the distance it was a nice event to finish off the season, it sort of reminded me of Blore Heath. but if I had to pick one event down south for the group to attend it would be Tewkesbury.
What has come out of attending these events as well as Towton is that we are back on the scene regarding Wars of the Roses Federation Events (Fed events) and we are getting asked what events we are attending next year. So my suggestions are Towton 29th March, Tewkesbury 11th & 12th July and Bosworth 22nd &23rd August (maybe a 4th event depending on what's on and is it local)
I am also working on relations with other northern groups with the view of getting some invitations to events in the north, for example the Buckinghams are doing Pontefract castle and the Frei Compagnie have done Bolling Hall, Bradford. Now the one local event we already do with these groups is Towton so I have a suggestion... I suggest we arrange with the Frei Compagnie and the Towton Battlefield Society to come for the weekend and set up a living history encampment like we do for our events.
We are a fantastic group its about time the fed see this.
4. Financial Report 2013/14
4.1 David gave a full review of the group accounts and a copy has been added in the Appendix. Small net deficit but explainable by new equipment spend. Subs cover insurance and now changed for renewal in June and to cover kit and events which it didn’t before
4.2 Main cost is transport and second main one food. Need enough members to add federation membership to ensure the group stays a member
4.3 Bank balance in main account £1269.55
4.4 See attached Appendix 1 for more information
5. Election of Committee for 2014/15
5.1 The following members were elected:
Chair – Dan Nelson
Secretary – Aaron Robshaw resigned due to other commitments Alison Sauer was voted in
Treasurer – David Murray
Website and social media Co-ordinator – Wesley Perriman
Health & Safety Officer – Newton Bowmer
Other committee members – Aaron Robshaw Marie Ammundsen, Matthew James.
Aaron wanted to say that The secretary position is easier due to automatic stuff and turning things from paper to electronic.
6. Planned Activities for 2013/14
6.1 It was agreed to attend the following:
Broughton Hall £600 for two day event.
6.2 Other events/activities:
Being on the menu of executive have a go activities in Broughton Hall (3 people, kit kept in a trailer in Skipton settle area etc)
6.3 Appleby – still very vague about commitment
6.4 Events list attached – appendix 2
7. Any Other Business
7.1 Armoury – rope barrier, must always be manned (2 people), stuff out of reach, kids must have a supervising adult, written disclaimer and rules. David and Newton will write and Alison will run it past a tame lawyer.
7.2 Mini field kit – firebox and fire bucket and kit that are more transportable. Including small amount of kitchen equipment and first aid kit, some modern
7.3 stuff like etc. Small canopy/awning.
7.4 Handbook – add livery pattern
7.5 Agincourt – 600th anniversary this year.
7.6 At muncaster flag carryng and drums for children in the group looked really great. Upgrading and renewing some of that kit would be great. Other children’s things could be relics. Religious aspects are sorely missing.
7.7 Handbook is a work in progress
7.8 Constitution needs reading through Wesley to put on facebook group
7.9 Loan kit Children’s shoes – some with old members still – Aaron will chase. Boy’s kit also slowly collecting.
7.10 Website and social media etc. Lots of interaction happening between groups and publicising our sites etc
7.11 Need new posters to put up around the place
7.12 Emphasise living history….
7.13 Watch content of conversation……comment about phones and cameras etc. STAY IN CHARACTER
7.14 Next year’s venue to be arranged.
Alison Sauer
Appendix – Events List
Place/name Date Type of event
Towton Palm Sunday
27th-29th March Towton Commemoration
Barnoldswick 18th April Display and camp
Skipton 23rd – 25th May Household event
Broughton Hall mid June Pitch in big country fair
Tewkesbury 11th-12th July Battle of Tewkesbury
Fight Camp 7th – 9th August
Bosworth 22nd-23rd August Battle of Bosworth 1485
Muncaster 29th – 31st August Household Event
Hampton Court Castle 12th – 13th September Big Battle
Kenilworth Castle 19th – 20th September Large event based on Agincourt